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a. Halal Tourism as a Strategy

Stimulate interest amongst private investors, financing institutions, and real estate companies in developing high-quality Halal hospitality projects in strategic locations in Turkey and around the world. This will include highly desirable destinations for family vacations offering an array of modern amenities and state of the art recreational facilities, as well as, well appointed high-end business hotel developments.


§  What is Halal Hospitality?

-       Halal hospitality projects include hotels & serviced apartments that strictly offer ‘Halal’ services such as Halal food and beverages, separated male/female swimming pools, Alcohol-Free etc.

-       Attractive Halal hospitality offerings should be well appointed, include a host of modern amenities tailored to the needs and requirements of its target customers, and where suitable a variety of family oriented recreational facilities compatible with a contemporary lifestyle yet still observant of Islamic rules, values, and traditions.


§  Why Halal Hospitality? 

The reasoning behind our Vision for more modern and well-appointed Halal hospitality developments can be summarized as follows:

-       Religious & Social Responsibility – With increasing awareness of the virtues of Islamic teachings and more Muslims observing Islamic rules in their daily life, there is both a religious and social duty on all Muslims with means to contribute to reinforcing the re-adoption of virtues Islamic values and high moral standards. Halal Hospitality developments will make Halal services and products easily and readily available to both Muslims and Non-Muslims, hence, promoting healthy, safe, and various recreational activities that benefits the whole society.         

-        High demand - Whilst the demand for high quality Halal products and services is steadily increasing at an exceptional rate, the hospitality industry response to this trend has been poor both qualitatively & quantitively. Hence, there is a significant gap created between supply and demand which only well planned, well designed, and well executed Halal Hospitality developments can fill, hence guarantying high demand for such offerings. High demand warrants high occupancy rates which in turn promise increase in profitability.    

-       Commercial Viability – Whilst the Capex and Opex investments associated with high-quality Halal Hospitality offerings are equal or in some case slightly higher than the industry norms, the strong appeal or for some the necessity of Halal services and products warrant a bigger return on investment and higher profitability than normal hotel developments.             

-       Fast Growth -  Halal hospitality is relatively a new concept and still not widely implemented. Only very few hotel properties offer quality halal services and products and even those don’t get good exposure due to little or lack of public awareness, hence till this date Halal tourism did not take of as it should. For this, pioneering compelling offerings stand a big chance of rapid and wide spread gaining momentum from the envisaged growth in Halal tourism popularity.

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